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Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow0thickness500

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow400thickness500

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow1000thickness500

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow1000thickness1000

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow100thickness1000

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow200thickness1000

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow600thickness1000

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow600thickness500

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow800thickness500

Contamination changes world-making projects

fungal grow900thickness500


  • fungal grow0thickness500
  • fungal grow400thickness500
  • fungal grow1000thickness500
  • fungal grow1000thickness1000
  • fungal grow100thickness1000
  • fungal grow200thickness1000
  • fungal grow600thickness1000
  • fungal grow600thickness500
  • fungal grow800thickness500
  • fungal grow900thickness500


Published on November 23, 2022

Open source variable typeface born from the collaboration between Raphaël Bastide and Jérémy Landes in the context of the project

Extract from the project’s page: is a homage to Wikipedia, one of the greatest website of the World Wide Web. This collaborative encyclopedia is now 21 years old, and I am still fascinated how it changed our relationship to knowledge. It also represents a comforting example of what humanity can do: collaborating voluntarily on the largest knowledge project in our history. I consider Wikipedia being the descendant of Enlightenment’s encyclopédistes and free software movement, and I think such project made by the people, for the people are beautiful remains of the early Web’s utopia.

Cordyceps sinensis
Physarum polycephalum
Fuligo septica
Aspergillus fumigatus
Claviceps purpurea
El cornezuelo o ergot (Claviceps purpurea) es un hongo parasítico del género Claviceps que consta de más de cincuenta especies. Todas ellas pueden afectar a una gran variedad de cereales y hierbas, aunque su hospedante más común es el centeno. Cuando el núcleo del cornezuelo se deposita en la tierra permanece en estado letárgico o esclerocio hasta que se dan las condiciones propicias para medrar y pasar a la fase fructífera, en la que se desarrolla como una minúscula seta y libera las esporas fúngicas. Dichas esporas son de forma muy alargada con un espesor de apenas 1 micrómetro. (Wikipedia)
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