Coming Soon : Atelier Velvelyne in Paris Rejoins-nous ! Join us!

We design libre / open source fonts. Learn more and contribute to the adventure of Velvetyne by reading our “about” page.

H·Alix Sanyas

This content exists in English

H·Alix Sanyas is a graphic designer and plastic artist nurtured by vector drawings, transfeminism and the sound of TransPédéBiGouines clubs. H·Alix belongs to the B.I.T.C.H. organisation (founded by Jo Freeman in 1969) and is the residue of crossings between Kathy Acker & Donna Haraway, Paul B. Preciado & Valérie Solanas, Monique Wittig & Elsa Dorlin. H·Alix fights for queer and marginal bodies, in the fields of activism, art and design, because it’s BODIES THAT COUNT.

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Fonts by or with H·Alix Sanyas